Apple’s iOS 14.5 Update is Live: What Now?

The day many of us have been anticipating for months (if not years) has come: Apple confirmed their iOS 14.5 update is going live today.

The release of iOS 14.5 will make it all the more important that content publishers have strong relationships with their app users. 

App publishers have intentional relationships with users, and now it’s time to capitalize on that trust to manage how privacy rollouts affect long term monetization strategy.

Encourage ATT opt-ins by providing added context. Make sure your app users know the value they’ll receive from opting in. Users are sensitive about their data privacy, and offering ‘personalized advertising’ doesn’t necessarily tip the scale in their favor. More on this here.

Continue building intentional relationships through subscriptions and other touchpoints. The more you know about your audience, the more valuable your inventory can be to brands. This knowledge of users’ preferences and demographics helps with content creation, improving user experience and boosting revenue potential.

Think beyond conventional in-app advertising. A decrease in IDFA opt-ins doesn’t have to have a negative impact on your bottom line. But, it will require revenue and advertising departments to get more creative in their search for ad formats and audiences that will drive the most impact and command the highest premiums. 

Prepare for more changes. The privacy discussion is far from over, and there are undoubtedly more changes to come. Having a nimble approach to monetization can only help content publishers embrace these challenges, and the revenue potential that they will bring. 

Publishers should prioritize their relationships with readers and app users in the wake of the iOS 14.5 release, if they haven’t already. That trust and reciprocity will be the best long-term protection from regulatory curveballs in the future.

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